Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On Your Mark........

Get set.....GO!
And we're off!
This week we are focusing on a couple of new concepts.  The first is Weekly Couple/Family Meetings...novel, I know.  We'll add in Parent/Child Mentoring sessions at some point, but you know, you gotta start slow.
We're also learning the first of four basic skills: Following Instructions, Accepting Criticism (positive and negative) Accepting a "NO" answer, Accepting a Consequence, and Disagreeing appropriately.

Here are the steps to following instructions:
1. Look at the person
2. Keep a calm voice, face, and body
3. Say "okay" or ask to disagree appropriately
4. Do the task immediately
5. Check back (tell the person you're finished)

My personal goals for the week are learning to be assertive and teach that skill through example to my kiddos. We've got far too many aggressive and passive-aggressive dynamics going on here. Also to look for answers/parallels in the scriptures. Staying calm no matter what.  (I've already had a couple of boo-boos, but I'm getting there.)

Here's the rundown:

In my Kitchen: Just made whole wheat bread.  Was out of salted butter, but made do with unsalted butter and a little sprinkling of sea salt....I'm flexible like that. ( Can you eat fresh bread without butter?  Probably, but I'd hate to try and prove that theory) Note: Kirkland Mac N' Cheese, no matter HOW much they claim different, is NO WHERE NEAR to Kraft Mac N' Cheese....sorry but even Western Family Mac N' Cheese is better than disappointing...I was beginning to think Costco was the answer to all that was wrong with the world.

With My Marriage: Well, working on setting up couple meetings once a week, and practicing assertiveness.

With the kids:
Had a major meltdown of teenage proportions over the weekend, but held my ground and stayed calm.  Seemed the calmer I was, the more out of control the meltdown became (trying hard not to smile here)....WOW, I had no idea simply staying calm was so effective.
Alanna and Isa are working the elements of the system pretty well, so far.  Ellie is pushing the limits, as is to be expected.  Samm and Gabby are learning how to ask for things/ say things politely....even some grown-ups haven't mastered that one...believe me, I know! Can never start too young.

Around the homestead:
Well, working on making a poster of the Steps to Following Instructions.....what's that  you say?  That everything going on in my home is centered around this crazy "self-government" idea? Why yes, yes it is, thank you :)
Working on getting and keeping the kitchen clean.....haven't had any luck and getting my fix-it-guy out to take care of some little things, so I'm going to try my hand at fixing the drawer under the stove that the kids broke AGAIN.  AND start a dream journal.  Getting some ideas on what I ultimately want to do in each room of my house, so that as I have time, energy and resources, I can slowly turn this house into a home (that I'll probably never end up leaving). Might as well make the best of it. I have to say, I LOVE the Flylady.  I may delete most of her email reminders, and sometimes only say "hmmmm, that's a really good idea" and then delete some of them, but I know that perfectionism is counter-productive and that I only have to do anything 15 minutes at a time.

Inner Man?:
Well, mostly talked about that above....but here's a little story to illustrate my focus....

Once upon a time, there was a boy who ate too much sugar.  His mother, who wanted him to stop, thought that if the boy wouldn't listen to her, then perhaps he would listen to his idol, Mahatma Gandhi.
So she walked for many miles through the scorching heat to ask Gandhi, "Would you please tell my son to stop eating sugar?"
Gandhi replied, "Bring your boy back in two weeks.  I will speak to him then."
Confused, the mother left, then brought the boy back two weeks later.
Gandhi looked the boy in the eye and said, "Stop eating sugar."
The boy nodded, and promised to stop.
His mother of course was grateful, but still confused.  "Why did you want me to bring him back in two weeks?  Couldn't you have said the same thing to him then?"
"No," Gandhi replied...

"Because Two Weeks Ago, I Was Still Eating Sugar!"

 Love and blessings to all!


Melanie said...

He the Ghandi story.

Thanks for the "self governing" ideas. I love it!

Candle Ends said...

Gotta love the Mahatma.