Sunday, September 21, 2008

Be Still My Soul....

My brother complained to my mom the other day that my blog wasn't fun anymore. (Pierced me to the heart). That it was just full of scrapbooking stuff. (He may have a point). So I have find more humor in my life. Believe me it's been rough lately. So...I'm going to attempt to fill you in on the latest doings of the princesses, and maybe along the way, we'll find a few laughs.
First of all, I don't think I've mentioned that Sophia made the Sophomore Volleyball Team at the High School! Yeah Sophia!! She's new to the sport but learning really fast and doing GREAT! She's been busy beyond belief the last two weekends. Last week, her school hosted a Tournament and she had to work from the end of school until 10:30pm on Friday, and then 7am-7pm on Saturday. This week she was IN the tournament. Long hours again Friday and Saturday. Last night after her last game, Christy took us out to dinner. Sophia and Maddie (her friend who was with us) didn't have clothes to change into so they were just in their uniforms. You would not BELIEVE the looks they got from old men at the restaurant and in the parking lot. CREEPY!! That's not gonna happen again. I had a REALLY great action shot in here, but just realized that it showed too much info....oh well.

Gabby the fearless. She and Sammie and I have been walking the other girls to school in the mornings, and then stopping at the park on the way home. Gabby started climbing up this little jungle gym thing, and I sat down on the ground to get some GREAT pics with an interesting friend Liz always takes such interesting pictures with fantastic POV's. Anyway, this shot was taking just moments before Gabby climbed to the next rung up, and THREW her legs off the side and was hanging there...six feet off the ground. Liz asked me later if I'd snapped a pic before I jumped up to help her...darn. She's a lot of fun. She was just sitting next to me and had lined up all her little people and was counting them. I found a giraffe and stuck it on the end of the line..."MOM, that's not a PEOPLE!!!" Ooops.
Ellie, forever the princess. Climbed up on the rocks and yelled for me to come take a picture...I was stuck there a good long time, while children and cousins alike got their photo taken. Ellie is in kindergarten. It's been fun! Her teacher LOVES her! Apparently, she's very focused and obedient when at school. I had to laugh on the first day.....I was waiting for school to get out to pick her up and saw her come out of the kindergarten door all by herself. A second later the teacher came running out..."Ellie it's not time to leave yet." Ellie responded, "it's ok, my mom's already here." Teacher: "Ellie, you need to come back in!" Ellie: "Look, my mom's right there!" Anyway, I was thrilled to have Ellie be the last one out the door when the class finally left. I have high hopes that she will learn to blend in better with all her royal subjects.

Alanna...she's so funny. She's having to actually WORK for the first time in her whole little life to accomplish's definitely wearing on her! She's started Spanish Immersion and although it is tiring (and they told us to expect that it would be) it is also FANTASTIC FUN! I'm so excited for her to learn! She's growing and still loves to read...I catch her with a book in her hands ALL THE TIME! If I can't find her..she's usually hiding out up on the bunkbed under a blanket reading.

We had fun up the canyon on Friday, even though the skies were VERY threatening and rain was about everywhere except the little spot of ground we were on. Isa had a great time playing with Leesa, Uncle Andrew's special friend (who fit in GREAT with the fam). She's coming into her own and loves school...and is thrilled to report 10 our of 10 each week on her spelling...she's a real "go getter" and I rarely have to remind her to do her homework.

And then there's Sammie. Hard to believe she's been around a whole year, as I glance over my shoulder at her going through my wallet throwing my drivers license and credit cards under the bed. Oh, what a year. Thank HEAVEN it is over. It's been a rough one. We celebrated her birthday in the canyon Friday (as previously mentioned) in a combined "Andrew is visiting with his girlfriend from out of state" and "1st birthday party" bash. It was a great time! The leaves hadn't really turned yet in the little spot we were at, lower in the canyon (for weather reasons), and for that I was a bit disappointed because I wanted to get some fun pictures, but the trees and mountains were still beautiful and there was a peace there. Well, other than the naturally occurring family drama that well....NATURALLY occurs at these events. We really missed Mel, and her brood, too.

If anyone has any extra prayers to offer, I have a friend in South Africa whose only daughter is currently in a coma as a result of an accident. She could sure use 'em.

Life has been hard lately. Don't know if that's the natural result (opposition) of accomplishing goals or what. Mario started a new job in July (turned out to be a great move), and I opened my store for Dancing Princess Designs at DigitalScrapGarden the first of September, I've actually had a few sales! But there's a lot of stress and not as much support as I'd hoped for (to some people it's still just a "hobby"). So what do I do? I don't know. I guess take a little advice from my friend "Dory" (Finding Nemo). I "just keep swimmin, just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin', swimmin', swimmin'"....well you know the rest.


Melanie said...

I miss you guys too. No fair. The girls are getting so big. I love telling people here (especially those who are not Mormon's) that my sister has six girls. You would not believe their faces. Priceless!

I love you. Mel

T. Driaza said...

FYI...I think you have a wonderful blog! what do brothers know anyways! lol. Just Kidding. Your girls are fabulous. Keep swimming, I know what you are going through cause I just started up a small business, and I'm thinking "OMG!" lol. Luvs, T