Friday, July 11, 2008

Independence Day!

It was a beautiful 4th! We missed most of our traditional balloon launch (my favorite part of the day, sniff) and then enjoyed a pleasant breakfast with family. It was lovely weather in the morning, and was a beautiful day overall!

This one is a desktop LO I did for the GDS Decorate your Desktop Challenge.

And I love this photo. This was taken at the Balloon Launch July 4th Morning. Gabby's so cute, isn't she!

Anyway, be sure to check out my Dancing Princess Designs link to the right>>>>>!

Here's a few other things I've been up to......

Have a great day!

1 comment:

elenasworld said...

Hey Jenn
You are so busy woman! How do you do it? I just noticed the new link in your siggie, so I had to come on over. What a great blog and maybe now I will be motivated to start one up...maybe?
Love all the layouts you posted, and I found some I haven't seen before. Do you sleep :)