Thursday, April 3, 2008


Thank you all for your expressions of concern. I have not sunk to the depths of last week since, well, last week. Trying to keep up the exercise and the fresh air and the ignoring the housework to obsess about creating digital scrapbooking layouts. Whatever works. Sometimes it is important to remember that I AM SO NOT IN CONTROL! (Or, maybe I'm so out of control?)

Anyway, looking forward to Conference this weekend. It's been another rollercoaster week, but Alanna was 16 in placement of the "first come, first serve" for the Spanish Immersion program. Assuming that she aces her academic screening (and I am assuming she will) she should make it into the program. YEAH!!!! One way or another she will learn spanish.

Isa lost another tooth, was hysterical when she couldn't find the toothfairy's "offering," and then beyond hysterical when the toothfairy hurried in to leave something while mommy distracted her and forgot to take her tooth. This fantasy stuff is a lot of work.

Sophia has been in mega teenager mode. It's been rough. I'm trying to ignore the fact that in about 10 years, I'll have 5 of them at the same time.

All of a sudden, Gabby is speaking in full sentances. Woohoo. And to think 6 months ago, I was worried about her verbal development.

Ellie continues to tell me I know nothing about anything, and her vast experience is far superior to mine, in any given circumstance. Of course.

Sammie is still sunshine and developing so much character. Nearly always smiling, and she's a girl after my own heart....she's become a lover of hair. She'll suck her thumb and run her finger through my hair at the back of my neck. True bonding.

I posted my "domestic goddess" layout to a scrapbooking gallery first submission. My goals are to someday be on somebody's creative team, and to eventually create my own digital elements and market them. I'd love that. Spend my time (once the kids are all in school, of course) creating, scrapbooking, etc. Bliss. Anyway, if you want to see it (again :-) go to Little Dreamer Designs at . If you really want to make my day, you can even leave me some "love" by way of comments.

Along the lines of "domestic goddess-ness" I made bread again today (we have so much wheat and flour - thanks honey - that I'm going to be baking all of our bread and then some to use it, specifically the flour, up before it goes bad) and the family joke is that it's "Love" bread. When I knead it, I put all the love, charity and compassion I can muster into it (per the instructions on Hillbilly Housewives family bread recipe). I swear I've never tasted such yummy bread, with such great texture. Try'll never make bread without "love" ever again!!!

'til next time......


Natalie J said...

I feel like I haven't talked to you forever. I want to learn how to do digital scrapbooking. I have a program, but I feel I need to use my "old-fashioned" scrapbooking supplies that I bought. Maybe I will do half and half. See ya soon.

Melanie said...

Just reading your blog makes me want to go home. I miss my sisters. I think we will be coming some time in June. keep the fun coming!