Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Soap Making...

Ok, now I realize I shoulda taken time.
Laundry Detergent Soap Making.....went great! It wasn't too hard, took less than an hour, and the hardest part of the whole thing was the strong smell of the soap (my nose is rather delicate right now).
Been using it for 3 days and I think it's great....the clothes are clean and smell good, and that's all I want.  For a fraction of the $$$.

Haven't been on the computer in a few days...Mario had surgery on his head yesterday and had a lump removed from the back of his skull.  They don't anticipate it being anything more than fatty tissue, but the surgery ended up taking an hour longer than they'd told me, because it was so deep. I was a little freaked to be sitting in the waiting room for over two hours when they told me it was only going to be a 1/2 hour procedure.  And then Mario took a really long time to wake up from the anesthesia.  So I was at the hospital a lot longer than anticipated.

But it's all good.  He's still alive. 
Ahhh, now if I could just get some good sleep.


Natalie J said...

I had no idea Mario was having surgery! Where did your kids end up? I am glad he is still kicking! I have had that anesthesia nap last a little too long also. The Dr forgot to tell Jason that I was out of surgery, so he was frantically pacing the waiting room for 3 hours, until I was awake and in my room. he was pretty mad.

DancingPrincessDesigns said...

Soph stayed home....I didn't know what else to do...Isa was sick (and it was aggravated by the horrible air quality yesterday, so she stayed with them.

Mario's doc was good to come out right after they finished, but it still took so much longer than I'd expected that I was freaking out. Cool thing?....the hospital (AF) has someone sitting in the waiting room now, to answer questions, run and find out the status of a patient/surgery, and show compassion and kindness in general. I'm kinda impressed.

Britanee Walker said...

i didn't know he had surgery! you should've told me & i could've brought over dinner or something!! hope everything's ok

on a lighter note, glad the soap making wasn't so bad & that you like it!

Melanie said...

Wowsers...busy week. I'm glad it all over and done with. I hope all turns out well with the "bump". gonna tell us how to make the soap?