Thursday, May 29, 2008

Supreme Team Final Round

What? You say you're suprised to hear from me again so soon? Well, what can I say. I received the kit for Round 4 of the Supreme Team Competition yesterday.

It's Savannah by Veronica Hurly, found here:

Finished up my layout (after tweaking and tweaking some more). Thought I better send it in before I drive myself batty...maybe I can get something else done now. Tomorrow is the last day of school. I have all these great intentions. I plan on implementing the "Camargo Anti-Boredom Program." The kids can all pick homemaking skills that they want to learn, and they will have "instruction" in those skills, along with daily reading, gardening, and cleaning, to get us through the summer. I think Sophia has chosen "sew a skirt" and Alanna is DYING to get her hands on my digital scrapbooking kits. Awwww! The rest of them haven't chosen, although Gabby excels at folding washcloths, so I think she'll get to skip that catagory altogether. They all are fully aware that if they say the "B" word (bored) they'll be assigned another job, to help them out. (Isa asked a little girl in her class today if she gets jobs for saying the "B" word. LOL)

More soon......

1 comment:

Melanie said...

The "B" word. That's hilarious. Isa, what a crack up. I should get extra jobs for saying the "B" word too. :)