Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What could be better than this.......

Wow, let me know when the ride stops. It's been non-stop action for the last 6 weeks. It's a good thing I never thought about whether I had time for 6 kids. Besides a special needs (hopefully short term) baby, Halloween, flu, colds, running to the school a minimum of 3 times a day, cooking (if you can call what I've been doing that), cleaning (slap and dash), and homework (who ever heard of an hour+ homework in kindergarten), I also try to get in a little exercise, scrapbooking, naps, and personal study time. Oh, who am I kidding. I'm lucky if I get to the first half of the list. We've been so blessed to have Sammie with us, and to witness Heavenly Father answering the many prayers on her behalf. She looks like an angel in the blessing dress Grandma Harding made her (thanks Mom!) and Mario gave a beautiful blessing on Sunday. Life is so surreal, and yet none of us can imagine life without her. The kids have gotten really good about hugging or giving space during my frequent PPD moments, and hopefully they're getting through it without too much scarring. Sophia is trying out for the junior high basketball team this week and made it through the first round of cuts today. Alanna and Isa are doing fabulously in school and are loving it. Ellie's been full of "funnies" lately. In a prayer the other day she prayed that mommy would be able to eat chocolate again soon. She also came into the room the other day where my sister Christy and I were chatting while I finished feeding Sammie. She walked over and cupping her hand around her mouth, whispered, "Mom, your milk feeder things aren't covered." Gabby is suffering from a cold, cutting 4 new teeth (the last in her baby set), and talking non-stop. She has discovered how to take off her clothes and diaper, and enjoys doing it at every opportunity. She's very pleasant and fun, even while getting into trouble. Sammie (the caboose...really) is growing. She has an amazingly intelligent look in her eyes, and sometimes it's hard to remember she's only a few weeks old. She's smiling and "conversing" with us, and we're still in awe of her and can stare at her for hours. She's been consistent ever since her instantaneous and dramatic entry into the world. She's very laid back, but once she decides she wants something, it better happen quick. When I was at the end of my pregnancy, I used to think, "I just have to get her here and then it will all be downhill." Heavenly Father has used the opportunity to show me that I don't know everything, and hopefully I've learned a little more about faith and patience and His will through it all. Anyway, pictures and Sammie's weight gain update will follow later this week........

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Welcome to the blogging world. I have decided that it can be a very fun way to communicate. It is sooooo fun to hear about your crazy life. It makes mine seem not so busy. Can't wait to see you guys in December. ONLY ABOUT 7 more weeks. Love you!